
Ruby eatingRuby sleeping


Ruby is a Boston Terrier & Chihuahua cross and the newest addition to our zoo.

Ruby eatingRuby eating

She seems to be settling in pretty well with Eva…

…glad that it seems she is going to be patient with Ruby.

Goodwood Revival 2014

St Marys cornerSt Marys corner

The Finish straightThe Finish straight

Out of FordwaterOut of Fordwater


Deer at the topMarshalls at Madgwick corner

Think they overdid itThink they overdid it

Hurricane Ridge

Hurricane Ridge - going upHurricane Ridge – going up…

Somehow it was actually fun driving twelve miles up a winding mountain road in zero visibility to see…

…well, nothing, apart from a deer and some novelty TEAM USA penknives.

Silent Hill vibesSilent Hill vibes

Deer at the topDeer at the top


Classic knivesClassic knives

The Suburban LT in full gloryThe Suburban LT in full glory

To Bainbridge Island

Seattle HarbourThe Suburban LT in full glory

The Beast

This was our steed for the first 10 days. It was far too big at first but we grew to respect it – when you pushed on the gas it sounded like an elephant…but didn’t really move…also like an elephant.

The ferry only took about 25 minutes to get to the island and onwards to our next stop…

Seattle from the Space NeedleOn the ferry

Seattle HarbourOn the ferry


Seattle from the Space NeedleSeattle from the Space Needle

Seattle HarbourOn a ferry, Seattle Harbour

The Start

Seattle began our roadtrip to San Diego. We used The American Roadtrip Company. and it was great.

There will be a few posts over the next while lamenting at the fact we are back in the UK again.

Seattle HarbourCranes in Seattle Harbour

On a ferry, Seattle HarbourOn a ferry, Seattle Harbour

First thoughts

The first thing that struck me was how friendly people were…at home we are used to either no response or fake Americanised customer service but in Seattle people are genuinely interested.

Maybe the accent helps but it is a refreshing change to being in the UK and more sincere than New York City or Miami.

Pike Place Market SignDungeness Crabs in Pike Place MarketPike Place Market Sign & Dungeness Crabs in Pike Place Market

Pike Place Market was quite fun to wander around – it is similar to Borough Market in London in many ways. Some great places to eat here – we had some Dungeness crab at Seatown which was lovely.

Fruit and Veg in Pike Place MarketBalloon manFruit and Veg in Pike Place Market & Balloon man

We did a bunch of touristy things like a harbour tour, a visit to Seattle Aquarium and also Seattle Zoo. We also drank a lot of coffee – in fact this trip saw me back on the caffeine fairly hard.

Bike near Seattle AquariumBike near Seattle Aquarium

Queen Anne HillAllie, Queen Anne Hill

We enjoyed wandering around the Queen Anne Hill – some lovely views and impressive houses.

Downtown SeattleDowntown Seattle

In short Seattle was a good start to our trip…lots of fun just make sure you skip Downtown as much as you can. It is pretty grimy and fairly sketchy at night.

Our next step was to hire a car and head out of the city for Bainbridge Island.

Harbour view from Queen Anne HillEMP Museum

Good Stuff

  • Starbucks actually being good
  • Oysters
  • Friendly people
  • Beautiful scenery

Bad Stuff

  • Aggro Hobos
  • Picking up the massive SUV we had to drive
  • Crazy bus people
  • Sales Tax