A Cheeky Walk
We have been doing a regular weekend stroll around East Sussex recently using the excellent book Cheeky Walks. You can also get it from Waterstones in Brighton city centre.
This particular one was called Grooving in the Ghost Village….sounds a bit lame but it was a good walk even though the day was grey and sleeting.
Getting out of Brighton
Sometimes we forget how pretty England can be – even on a dull day it was gorgeous. It is always nice to get out of the city and do something out in the elements – makes up for being a desk bound web monkey during the week. Realising you need to buy walking boots must mean I am getting old though – flask of tea next time I guess.
Poor old Jeff
Apart from the usual joggers, dog walkers and cyclists we also found a sheep carcass that was pretty creepy. I guess he had just wandered off, died and got half eaten by other animals…or was it part of an occult ritual that went wrong…you decide. We named him Jeff.